#Storm Doris aka Wave Watching aka Absolutely Drenched
So yesterday heralded the start of Storm Doris (although according to the met office website today, it's not actually officially been named yet). But as ever, on a very windy day, living by the sea means that at high tide I am compelled (I can't stop myself) from visiting the coast, usually at Teignmouth to watch the mad seas and take pictures. Having a sea wall at Teignmouth means that often, the waves break against the wall sending spray shooting high in the sky and landing debris all over the sea front. Exhilarating to watch. Yesterday's visit had big waves and no rain, perfect for pictures but I hadn't taken my professional camera because I thought today's waves would be better as stronger winds were forecast. My camera phone though takes pretty decent pictures, the main reason I chose the Sony Experia was because of it's brilliant camera. So, yesterday produced great opportunities for taking pictures...though admittedly, it may be some years before I get the opportunity to get images similar to the great storm of February 2014 (images at the end of this post)...

Then today, I headed down with my professional camera to find it, as expected, much better than yesterday but with pouring rain thrown in. I got out of my car, phone in one hand and camera bag in the other in the hope that there would be a break in the rain so I could get some good pictures with my pro camera. Alas, it was not to be. Even with my phone, I got so drenched so quickly, from rain and sea spray that there was no way I was going to chance getting my pro camera out of its bag, let alone attempt to take any pictures with it. In that kind of weather and environment, it would be a surefire way of trashing my trusted 5D! Even with my phone, my screen got so wet I couldn't see what I was doing, the spray coming off the ways was travelling 20ft over the promenade. My trousers were soaking and even my supposedly waterproof coat was getting me wet! My feet were squelching and my hair was dripping, within 5 minutes of being out of the car. But, blimey, was it exhilarating! Amazing to see the sea with such power, even an hour over high tide the waves were still smashing into the sea wall and sending spray 30+feet in the air.

People often say to me, 'be careful, don't take any risks'. Well, I don't. My respect of the sea is so great that there's no chance you'll find me taking risks. I always remember the old adage, 'never turn your back on the sea'. Rogue waves happen more often than you think and the sea can be unpredictable. It's never worth risking your life for a photo. But today, the wet and cold got the better of me very quickly and I had to give up and retreat to the warmth of the Beachcomber Cafe to watch out the window and enjoy a veggie breakfast and large coffee with friends while my trousers gently steamed away...

Images are always copyright. Please don't reproduce them.
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